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International Travel Awards 2021

News And Offers

კლასიკური მასაჟი- ესაა მსოფლიოში ყველაზე გავრცელებული და ადაპტირებული, სამკურნალო და სარელაქსაციო მასაჟების საბაზო ტექნიკის ერთობლიობაა, რომელიც გულისხმობს სრული სხეულის დამუშავებას ხელით, სახისა და თმის ძირების ჩათვლით.


ეს სწორედ ის პროცედურაა, რომელიც აუიცლებლად #უნდაჩაიტარო KDSpa4You-ში!


რას აუმჯობესებს ?

აუმჯობესებს სისხლის მიმოქცევას და ნივთიერებათა ცვლას, ატონიზირებს კანს, ხელს უწყობს იმუნიტეტის ამაღლებას, ხსნის ნერვულ დაძაბულობას და უძილობას, ამშვიდებს და გამოირჩევა სასიამოვნო შეგრძნებებით. 


ჩვენებები- ქრონიკული დაღლილობა, კუნთების დაჭიმულობა და ტკივილი, საპროფილაქტიკო. უკუჩვენები- ინფექციური დაავადებები, სიმსივნეები, გამონაყარი ან ღია ჭრილობა, ტემპერატურა, ტუბერკულოზი,მკვეთრად გამოხატული ვარიკოზული ვენები, ორსულობა.

Dearest Guests and Friends!

We’re pleased to announced that Meta Business Hotel is nominated as a finalist for International Travel Awards 2021.


Our categories are:

Georgia’s Best New Hotel 2021

Georgia’s Best Business Hotel 2021

Georgia’s Best Hotel & Conference Center 2021


We need your voice.

Vote us:

Be successful with us!


A Place Where your comfort is peramount!

???????? For full information go to the link:

???????? For more information please contact us:

???? +995 032 2 00 18 18


In June, you have a great opportunuty to book special package “Family Weekend”.

Take an action and relax after a busy week at Meta Business Hotel with your special one.

We’ll create a family coziness for you.


Package includes:

Standard King room from 12PM

Full board for 2

Couple relaxing massage, unlimimited acces to the Sauna and Steam room, 1 type of Solarium (5 minutes per person)


Late checkout after lunch on the open terrace


Package is bookable only on Weekends.

Two new spaces were added to the premium-class multifunctional complex "King David" today, June 1. Meta Restaurant and Hotel Meta Business Hotel will serve customers in compliance with the latest standards.

The restaurant offers customers a different place for everyone and promises them a real gastronomic revolution. Thanks to the harmonious synthesis of Georgian, European and Asian cuisine, guests will have the opportunity to taste familiar dishes with completely different, developed tastes.

If desired by the guests, Meta Restraunt will always have a cognitive and creative process, interaction with staff, members of the cooking team.

"Our profession is art. Therefore, we will advance the knowledge and experience as much as possible and we will also receive feedback from the guests. I think that for the Georgian reality, we are really creating a "know-how", - says the chef of the new restaurant, Luka Todua.

As for the hotel, Meta Business Hotel is designed for business class guests and not only. Here a person can break the daily routine, relax or work remotely from different areas of the hotel, from where there are always wonderful views.

"From the birth of the idea to the creation, the goal was one - to create a place where we could do everything that the customer needed and be tailored to them, listen to them and create complete comfort," - said the head of marketing, Mariam Dvalishvili.

The unique view, complete comfort, hotel services and quality shape all the emotional and rational factors that ultimately brought King David international recognition.